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《鬼武者 高清版》放出新预告 展示更多战斗内容

Ghost Warrior HD releases new trailers to show more fighting content.

2018-10-09 10:19:38来源: 游戏时光

卡普空在今天放出了《鬼武者 高清版》一段2分钟的全新预告片,展示了游戏更多战斗片段和内容。本作将在今年12月20日发售日版,2019年1月16日推出中文版,登陆 PS4、Xbox One、Switch 和 Steam。初代《鬼武者》最早于2001年在 PS2 平台发售,并获得了超过两百万的销量,可谓是大获成功。除了游戏本身非常优秀之外,本作也因为主角明智左马介使用了著名影星金城武的脸模而被许多人熟知。这次新发售的并非完全重制版,只是 PS2 版移植到了新平台,但还是针对本世代主机做了不少调整与改进,比如游戏画面由 4:3 变成了 16:9 等等,具体新要素如下:高分辨率画面,包括人物,场景和过...

Kapkon today released a new two-minute trailer for Ghosts and Warriors HD, showing more fighting footage and content. This edition will be released on December 20 this year and will be released in Chinese on January 16, 2019. It will be available on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Team. Ghost Martial Arts was first launched on the PS2 platform in 2001 and sold more than two million copies, which was a great success. In addition to the game itself is very good, this work also because the protagonist wise left Ma Jie used the famous film star Takeshi Takeshi Kaneshiro face is known by many people. This new release is not completely reproduced, but the PS2 version has been transplanted to the new platform, but it has made many adjustments and improvements to the host computer of this generation, such as the game screen from 4:3 to 16:9 and so on, the specific new elements are as follows: high-resolution pictures, including characters, scenes and past.