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不一般的神作 GameSpot史上满分游戏一览

General history of Muse gamespot perfect game list

2015-08-25 17:40:27来源: 新浪

《合金装备5:幻痛》荣获IGN和GameSpot双满分的消息一时间成为玩家奔走相告、大呼买买买的一大趣事,同时也让GameSpot这个在国内玩家不太熟悉的媒体走进了玩家的视野。实际上GameSpot的打分更加苛刻,能让GameSpot打满分的游戏历史上也不多。 从1996年以来,只有...

"Metal Gear Solid 5: phantom pain" won ign and gamespot double full marks the message for a time became internationally BenZouXiangGao, screaming to buy buy buy a great fun, also let gamespot this in domestic players not too familiar with the media into the player's field of vision. In fact, the GameSpot scoring more demanding, so that GameSpot can play out of the game history is not much. Since 1996, only...

标签: 游戏