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网络直播掘金者 录游戏视频有人月入数十万元

Nuggets recorded webcast video game was a monthly income of several hundred thousand dollars

2015-12-28 12:49:18来源: 华商网

2015年12月20日晚,西安市德福巷的一家纹身店里,美女纹身师小瞳将自己工作的过程在网络上进行直播,观众最多的时候可达4、5万人。 在网络世界里,有这样一个年轻群体,他们靠当主播挣钱。唱歌、相亲、聚餐……每个生活点滴都能拿来直播吸金。这种模式已逐渐成为电子游戏行业常态。 在网络...

The evening of 20 December 2015, Telford Lane in Xi'an a tattoo shop, tattooist Xiaotong beauty of his work process will be broadcast live on the network, when most of the audience up to 4,5 million people. In the online world, there is such a young group, they rely on to make money when the anchor. Singing, dating, dinner ...... every bit of life can be used to attract live. This model has become the video game industry norm. In the network ...

标签: 游戏 直播 视频