新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《进击吧英雄》今日内测 百万豪礼狂派送

《进击吧英雄》今日内测 百万豪礼狂派送

"Rashly, hero" closed millions of hao li crazy to send today

2015-12-29 12:31:20来源: 18183

12月29日《进击吧英雄》二次元大门洞开!内测不删档,英雄随你挑!你的动漫世界,随时等你来玩! 日漫萌系手游《进击吧英雄》今日不删档内测开启!还记得夕阳下奔跑的忍者们吗?梦里是否还有伟大的航路?今天引爆地球了吗?无数经典萌漫正在等你来回味,玩得就是情怀! 【内测不删档 十大活动嗨...

On December 29, "rashly, hero" secondary yuan door wide open! Private does not delete files, you name the hero! Your anime world, waiting for you at any time to play! Day flood of mobile game "to advance your hero today don't delete file closed open! Remember running sunset the ninja? In the dream and the great route? Set off the earth today? Numerous classic of diffuse is waiting for you to finish, play is the feelings! 【 closed don't delete file ten activity hi...