新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》高校联赛杭州电子科技大学站:踏上青春战场,满载荣耀而归!


The king of glory hangzhou university of electronic science and technology university league station: youth set foot on the battlefield, and return full glory.

2017-12-12 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年12月10日《王者荣耀》高校联赛杭州电子科技大学公开海选赛顺利落幕, 王者风暴席卷了整个杭州下沙大学城,荣耀之光洒入王者的殿堂,而这殿堂,就坐落在杭州电子科技大学体育馆。这里是属于最强王者的狂欢,有最秀的操作,嗨翻的互动。文章给大家带来赛事过程中的精彩内容,带你感受现场氛围,请拭目以待! 人山人海,大神云集 比赛当天赛场爆满,大家都是为了自己梦想而来,青春不拼,更待何时?现场红蓝主色调,ban人选边,由你做主!各大高校选手慕名而来,跨向荣耀殿堂,直击王者巅峰,用最帅的操作证明自己,用最强的配合为自己代言。 各式互动,青春主色调 李白、安其拉、大乔、妲己、貂蝉,突破次...

On December 10th, 2017, "the king of glory the university league hangzhou university of electronic science and technology open audition ended smoothly, king storm swept through the whole xiasha university town in hangzhou, glorious light spill into the palace of the king, and this temple, located in hangzhou university of electronic science and technology gymnasium. Here belongs to the most powerful king, with the most show operation, hi interaction. Article bring events in the process of contents, take you feel the scene atmosphere, please wait and see! People mountain people sea, a great god Race day the stadium full, we are in for his dream, youth not, when? Red and blue mass-tone attune, ban candidate edges, by your family! Players, who were at universities across the hall to the glory, hitting the peak, king to prove himself in the most handsome operation, with the strongest cooperate to speak for themselves. All kinds of interaction, the youth mass-tone attune Li bai, the pull, big Joe, da ji, the sable cicada, breakthrough time...

标签: 王者荣耀