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《斩服少女 异布》中文试玩版登陆PS4港服商店

Chinese Trial Edition of "Cutting Girls'Different Cloths" Landed in PS4 Port Clothing Store

2019-07-08 10:09:32来源: 游戏时光

即将于7月25日登陆 PS4/Switch/PC 平台的动作对战游戏《斩服少女 异布》的中文试玩版现已在港服 PlayStation 商店上架,试玩版大小为 7.24GB,地址请点击【试玩版】。根据官方描述,在试玩版中玩家可以使用鬼龙院皐月、缠流子、蟇郡苛和猿投山涡四位角色,并能够体验新手教学和对战模式,以及故事模式的一部分内容。

The Chinese trial version of the action battle game "Cutting Girls in Different Clothes" which will be launched on the PS4/Switch/PC platform on July 25 has been put on the shelf in PlayStation store. The size of the trial version is 7.24GB. Please click on the address of the trial version. According to the official description, in the trial version, players can use the four roles of Ghost Dragon Courtyard Haoyue, Rover, Bajun Harsh and Ape Dropping Vortex, and can experience the novice teaching and battle mode, as well as part of the story mode.

标签: PS PS4