新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《圣剑传说3》重制版实机演示:还原了原版BOSS的战损表现


The Real-time Demonstration of the Reproduction of Saint Sword Legend 3: The Reproduction of the Battle Damage Performance of the Original BOSS

2019-08-22 15:43:08来源: 游戏时光


4Gamer has released a reproduced version of the combat demonstration of Saint Sword Legend 3. The version used is PS4. There are two demonstrations, daily battle and BOSS battle. In battle, the character can not only attack normally, but also attack energetically. When the blue energy slot under the screen is full, it can also release the unique skills of the character. The BOSS battle also restored the original battle damage performance, when the BOSS blood volume was cut in half, you can see that the BOSS eye disappeared, when the BOSS was defeated, the other eye also disappeared. Daily combat video address BOSS war video address "Saint Sword Legend 3" will be launched on PS4, Switch and PC platforms in early 2020.