新关注 > 信息聚合 > 湖北警方打掉3个游戏外挂制售团伙 涉案300余万元

湖北警方打掉3个游戏外挂制售团伙 涉案300余万元

Hubei police have abolished three game hang-in manufacturing and selling gangs involving more than 3 million yuan

2019-09-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

民警抓获涉案人员。保康警方提供 湖北襄阳市保康县公安局3日通报,该局在“净网2019”专项行动中,远赴黑龙江、湖南、广东、河北、浙江等地,一举捣毁3个制作销售游戏外挂的团伙,抓获9名犯罪嫌疑人。 今年5月,军事竞赛体验手游《和平精英》正式公测,襄阳保康籍的小赵(化名)是该游戏的粉丝,可玩了没多久,他发现自己的技术越来越“差”,而且经常还没看到对方就被对方淘汰。小赵怀疑对方使用了游戏外挂,遂向保康县公安局网安大队举报。 经过对该线索的深挖和缜密侦查,警方逐步确定外挂团伙的组织架构,掌握了外挂制作者、总代理和销售者等人员相关信息。 7月初,保康警方展开收网行动,将涉案作者、一级代理、...

The police arrested the persons involved. Baokang Police provided a 3-day bulletin from Baokang County Public Security Bureau in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. During the special operation of "Net 2019", Baokang Police went to Heilongjiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Hebei and Zhejiang to destroy three gangs making and selling game plug-ins, and arrested nine suspects. In May this year, Xiao Zhao (alias) of Baokang nationality in Xiangyang was a fan of the game. After playing the game, he found that his technology was getting worse and worse, and he often failed to see his opponent eliminated. Xiao Zhao suspected that the other party had used the game plug-in, so he reported it to the Baokang County Public Security Bureau's network security brigade. After deep digging and careful investigation of this clue, the police gradually determined the organizational structure of the plug-in group, and grasped the relevant information of the plug-in producers, general agents and sellers. At the beginning of July, Baokang police launched a network collection operation, which will involve the author, the first-level agent,...

标签: 游戏