新关注 > 信息聚合 > 48亿天价婚礼背后 游久游戏连续两年亏损有退市风险

48亿天价婚礼背后 游久游戏连续两年亏损有退市风险

Behind the wedding for 4.8 billion Swim long game for two consecutive years of losses delisting risk

2019-02-18 16:06:38来源: 游戏茶馆


Recently, the founder of swim long games, swim, long game former vice chairman lury issued six powers in the circle of friends and his wife get married scene photos, but lury caption is "valentine's day 4.8 billion cost of the wedding" under review. What kind of wedding can cost 4.8 billion yuan? Time points back in January 8, 2016, the day of the Shanghai stock exchange to swim long game sent a letter of inquiry, inquiry lury, whether there is a generation of marriage relationship and thus form a concerted action, the company is the first big shareholder or the actual control has changed? In the same year on January 12, swim long game reply announcement, admit lury, generation of Lin in 201

标签: 游戏