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分析师称《马里奥奔跑》下载将破10亿 且轻松愉快

Analysts said Mario running download will be broken 1 billion and relaxed and happy

2016-09-11 20:45:09来源: 新浪

在昨日举办的发布会上,任天堂联合苹果宣布,将会在手机平台推出游戏《超级马里奥奔跑(Super Mario Run)》。宫本茂在稍候的采访中表示,《超级马里奥奔跑》12月发售iOS版,安卓版存在,但不会出现在2016年内。 消息一出,任天堂的股价迅速暴涨,最高曾达到接近29%的涨幅。而...

At a press conference held yesterday, Nintendo co announced that it will launch the game "super Mario Super Mario Run" on the mobile platform. Miyamoto Shige said in an interview, "super Mario run" on December release iOS version, Android version exists, but it will not appear in 2016. As soon as the news came out, Nintendo's share price soared rapidly, with a peak of nearly 29%. While...