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beast quest第一章nanook攻略2 追击野兽图文攻略2

After a simple novice teaching beast quest first chapter Nanook Raiders 2 chase beast graphic Raiders 2

2015-05-11 20:08:28来源: 4399

经过了简单的新手教学之后,木木今天将继续为大家带来beast quest第一章nanook攻略第二部分,感兴趣的小伙伴赶快一起来看看吧! ▍图文攻略 1.完成采集草药任务以后,接到新任务--消灭3只狼,找到4个宝箱,找到制高点。 2.狼在营地附近会一直重复不断地出现,杀完以后稍微等...

, wood today will continue to for everyone to bring beast quest first chapter Nanook Raiders in the second part, the junior partner interested in hurry check! 's graphic Raiders 1. To complete the acquisition of herbal task, received a new task - destroy 3 wolves, find four chest, find high ground. 2 the wolf would have been repeatedly appeared in the vicinity of the camp, killed after a little...