新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《魔兽》电影IGN评分7.0,中规中矩没《愤鸟》好..


IGN of warcraft movie score of 7.0, the compasses didn't "angry birds" good..

2016-06-01 20:27:21来源: 178游戏网

今日IGN关于《魔兽》电影的评分新鲜出炉,没有想象中的那么高,也不低中规中矩7.0分。 比同样由游戏改编的电影《愤怒的小鸟》还要低0.6分。 《魔兽》电影竟然没有《愤鸟》好看?小编不信! 还是先来看看IGN是怎么评价的吧。 优点: +专注角色的叙事 +优秀的特效 +不畏挑战...

IGN today about the "warcraft" movie ratings fresh, not as high as I thought, nor in the compasses in low 7.0 points. Than the same by the game of angry birds below 0.6. "Warcraft" not "angry birds" movie good-looking? Small make up or not! Let's let's look at how IGN evaluation. Advantages: + focus characters in narrative + excellent effects, not afraid of challenges...

标签: 电影