新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷亚音游新作《VOEZ》公布首个男性角色“杰西”


Rhea audio tour "new" VOEZ announced first male characters "Jesse"

2015-11-06 15:14:24来源: TechWeb

你因为哪款游戏结识并爱上了雷亚?是清新可爱的养成系游戏《曼陀罗》(Mandora),初亮相便一鸣惊人的《Cytus》,以情动人的音游《古树旋律》(Deemo),还是 3A 级硬科幻枭雄《聚爆》(Implosion)。相信在不同人心中都有着全然不同的理由,但这一切都不约而同地展现了这家台湾...

you because what kind of game met and fell in love with Rhea? Is fresh and lovely form series game "Mandala" Mandora, early debut blockbuster "Cytus", to love moving audio tour the ancient melody "(deemo), or 3A level hard science fiction dignity" Implosion "(Implosion). I believe in different people have a completely different reason, but it is all the same to show the Taiwan...