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《穿越火线》生存模式上线 PC端也可以无外挂吃鸡

Through the wire "survival mode online PC can also be no plugins to eat chicken

2018-01-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

1月17日消息,《穿越火线》是目前国内人气最高的FPS游戏之一,但是由于《绝地求生》的出现,不少玩家纷纷转战吃鸡,于是《穿越火线》也进行了新模式的开发,终于在今天上线了新版本,其中就加入了沙海生存模式。 与大家熟悉的吃鸡模式相似,《穿越火线》的新模式也是在开局将玩家们进行空投,通过找寻装备的同时对敌人进行击杀,躲避逐渐缩小的沙暴在安全区域内存活到最后一刻。游戏仍然采用了CF的优秀射击手感,玩家们熟悉的枪械也将在新模式中亮相,并添加了防具和补给道具,熟悉吃鸡的玩家也能在这款游戏中畅快作战。 对比《绝地求生》来看,CF还是有一定优势的,首先就是这款游戏免费,这可以让不少没有玩过吃鸡的玩家...

On January 17, news, "through wire" is currently one of the most popular FPS game in China, but with the advent of survival the jedi, many players have the chicken leg, then through the wire "also for the development of new pattern, finally in today launched a new version, which joined the desert survival mode. Similar to the familiar mode of chicken, "through wire" of the new model is also at the start will players were dropped, by looking for the equipment at the same time to kill the enemy, avoid diminishing sandstorm in a safe area to survive until the last possible moment. Game still adopted the CF good shooting touch, players familiar with firearms will debut in the new model, and add the armor and supplies props, familiar with players of the chicken also can with operations in the game. Contrast to survive the jedi, CF still have certain advantages, the first is the game for free, it can make a lot of players of the chicken never played...

标签: PC 穿越火线