新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游《大航海时代5》终极封测 游戏内容大揭秘

手游《大航海时代5》终极封测 游戏内容大揭秘

Mobile Games "age of sail 5" the ultimate online game contents of revelation

2015-01-16 11:55:09来源: 不凡游戏网


glorious orthodox sequels Mobile Games "age of sail 5" is a departure from the late Middle Ages in Europe, to explore the seven oceans, opened the world mystery, experience the navigator in the game of life. The game in addition to closely around the "transaction", "exploration", "battle" three elements, can exercise their crew and fleet, mysteries of world, sailing in the country. "The age of sail 5" has been with fellow admirals met again, this time meeting time for the January 1...

标签: 手游 游戏