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The youth, the shine in the electronic game.

2016-03-24 07:19:06来源: 华龙网

题图:从左至右:吕杰、泽盛、唐嘉宇、大伟、“黄瓜”和林飞。 最年长的“黄瓜”目前是战队的核心。 吕杰一到电脑前马上就有灵气。 林飞由替补成为战队的主力。 为打出好名次,泽盛一刻不停地练战。 游戏战队每天的训练时间超过十小时,这个过程枯燥得折磨人。 3月11日,南京中山门蓝湾...

Image: from left to right: Lv Jie, Tang Jiayu, David, Ze Sheng, "cucumber" and Lin fei. The oldest "cucumber" is now the core of the clan. Lu Jie a computer immediately before the aura. Lin Fei from the bench to become the main force. In order to play a good position, Ze Sheng moment of non-stop training war. The game team training time of more than ten hours a day, the process is boring. In March 11th, the Zhongshan Gate of Nanjing island...

标签: 游戏