新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《杀出重围》设计者称《人类分裂》预告片太暴力


"Deus ex" designer said "human" split Trailer too violent

2015-05-02 01:04:39来源: 逗游网

在开发《人类革命(Human Revolution)》以及即将发售的《人类分裂(Mankind Divided)》之前,《杀出重围(Deus Ex)》系列是由先前认证软件员工Warren Spector和Ion Storm游戏工作室开发的。设计师Spector至今仍与该系列的开发保持着联...

"(Human Revolution) and the revolution" forthcoming "human (Mankind Divided)" before the split, "deus ex (Deus Ex)" series is from the previous staff of Warren Spector and Ion authentication software Storm game studio. Designer Spector and development of the series is still kept up...