新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游电脑双端玩《大唐仙妖劫》今日首测


Mobile game playing "datang immortal demon" double-end computer first test today

2016-08-19 08:35:18来源: 17173

由益玩游戏独代的3D回合手游《大唐仙妖劫》将在今天10点正式开启删档不付费首测。作为市面上首款三端数据互通的3D回合制手游,该游戏以西游题材为背景,利用3D Unity引擎建模,Q版的人设,搭配造型各异的主角,让这款手游曝光之初就受到了玩家热烈的追捧。不仅如果游戏还融入了百变换装、伙伴系...

By yi play alone the generation of 3 d round hand swim "datang immortal demon" will officially open at 10 o 'clock today delete files without paying for the first test. As the first three end data on market exchange of 3 d turn-based hand tour, the game is set in westward journey theme, using Unity 3 d engine modeling, Q version of the one set, tie-in and different shapes of leading role, make the hand swim at the beginning of the exposure is sought by the players. If the game is not only embodied changed change, partner...

标签: 手游