新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《炉石传说》脚本与外挂举报专用渠道已上线


"Hearthstone legend" script and external report dedicated channels has been on the line

2015-04-14 11:20:49来源: 4399

目前,针对《炉石传说》游戏内脚本及外挂的专用举报渠道已经正式上线。大家可以点击下方的链接进行举报。我们会有专门的工作人员跟进并进行处理,请广大玩家放心。 正如我们过去强调的那样,一个有趣、公平且富有竞争性的游戏环境是《炉石传说》游戏体验的核心所在,而任何欺诈行为都是让我们无法容忍的。我...

at present, according to the "special report channel script and plug-in game hearthstone legend" has been officially launched. You can click on the link below to report. We will have dedicated staff to follow up and deal with the game player, please rest assured. As we have noted, a fun, fair and competitive environment of the game is "hearthstone legend" the core game experience, and any fraudulent behavior is intolerable to us. I...

标签: 炉石传说