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台湾本土新作《英雄纪元》在台封测 新英雄曝光

Taiwan local hero "in" new era of Taiwan new hero beta exposure

2015-05-07 11:47:07来源: 17173

宇峻奥汀旗下自研3DMMORPG网游《英雄纪元》昨日在台服开启限时封测,并同步公开了新英雄亚瑟的相关资讯以及初级副本的情报信息。 裂空者-亚瑟 亚瑟定位是水属性的浪客,他拥有优异的伤害与控场表现。独特的技能组合,能让他轻易的在短时间内打出一套华丽的剑式与漂亮的伤害数字。

B05 its self-developed 3DMMORPG online games, "the age of heroes" yesterday at the service station to open limited beta, relevant information and new hero Arthur discloses the information synchronization and primary copy. Arthur Arthur - who split null position is water properties he has an excellent rogue, harm and control field. The unique combination of skills, so that he can easily play a sword style gorgeous and beautiful damage numbers in a short period of time.