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Pet who in the world? "" drunk H5 combat Raiders

2016-07-04 15:21:34来源: 一游网

不是只有人类才可以做网红,事实告诉我们:某些阿猫阿狗比人红。 国外有不爽猫(原名TardarSauce)的主人通过图书出版、饮料推销等商标冠名方式在3年里获得6.6亿元人民币的收益;国内有回忆小马甲靠妞妞赚的盆钵满载。别再担心这些小家伙有没有吃饱穿暖啦,一碗猫粮可能比我们的一天的饭食...

Not only human beings can do network red, tell us the truth: some worthless people than red. The foreign owner of mad cat (formerly known as TardarSauce) through the books publishing, selling drinks and trademark naming way in three years obtain income of 6.6 billion yuan; domestic recalled a small vest by Niuniu earned pots full. Don't worry about any of these guys have no clothe, a bowl of cat food than we might one day meals...

标签: H5