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仙语化生配什么伙伴 化生门派进阶攻略

Fairy language students with any partner of martial art students advanced Raiders

2015-11-16 19:26:51来源: 4399

在仙语手游中,化生寺以其门派独有的回血救人赢得玩家的追捧,很多玩家都有这些个疑问,仙语化生配什么伙伴好?化生怎么加点?今天4399幺幺小编给大家带来的就是仙语化生寺门派进阶攻略,以供大家参考。 ≈☆门派定位 群体恢复,回血救人。 ≈☆加点建议 主流加点:PK型—2体2耐1敏、2体...

in the fairy language travel, metaplasia temple to the martial art unique back blood to save the player to win the pursuit, many players have these questions, the fairy language students with what partner? How to add a little more? Today 4399 11 11 small to give us is immortal language thehuasheng Temple Martial advanced tips, for your reference. It is martial mapping population recovery, blood return to save. It is suggested that some mainstream point: PK - 2 2, 2 were resistant to 1 min...