新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游全服第一90级玩家诞生 突破极限

梦幻西游手游全服第一90级玩家诞生 突破极限

Fantasy Westward Journey tour full-service first level 90 player born breakthrough limit

2015-10-10 11:14:13来源: 4399

你们还在梦幻西游手游中跑环抓鬼刷任务刷经验吗?全梦幻手游第一个等级突破到90级的玩家已经出现了!快来和4399挽歌一起围观吧~ 如今安卓一区再续前缘等级排名第一玩家打通督脉突破89级成功升级到90级,这应该是全梦幻西游手游第一个到90的玩家了吧,从此以后便可以称他神威大爷了!我们可以看...

you still Fantasy Westward Journey tour because the ghosts task to brush brush experience? The first level of the whole dream tour to break through to the level of 90 players have emerged! Come and 4399 elegy crowd together ~ now Android renew front level ranked first internationally through Du breakthrough 89 successfully upgraded to 90, this should is full of Fantasy Westward Journey Travel first to 90 player to the bar, and from then on he can call him Shenwei uncle. We can see...