新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《女神异闻录5R》序章实机演示 芳泽霞赌场救Joker

《女神异闻录5R》序章实机演示 芳泽霞赌场救Joker

Preface of Goddess Mystery 5R demonstrates the rescue of Joker in Fangze Xia Casino

2019-09-28 15:22:49来源: 游戏时光

在最近一次直播活动上,Atlus 公布了《女神异闻录5R》的序章部分内容。可以看到一开始 Joker 潜入赌场部分和原版基本一致,但中途本作新角色芳泽霞突然登场和 Joker 联手战斗,展现了与原版完全不同的剧情内容。视频地址本作的日版将于 2019 年 10 月 31 日发售,中文版将于 2020 年 2 月 20 日推出,登陆 PS4 平台。

At a recent live broadcast, Atlus released the preface to Goddess Mysteries 5R. You can see that Joker sneaked into the casino at the beginning, which was basically the same as the original version, but the new character Fangzexia suddenly appeared on the stage and joined hands with Joker, showing a completely different plot content from the original version. The Japanese version of the video address book will be released on October 31, 2019, and the Chinese version will be launched on February 20, 2020, landing on the PS4 platform.