新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英姿飒爽可更改外貌!《封印者》韩服推出忍者主..


A pistol to change appearance! "Seal" han2 fu2 launch ninja master..

2016-09-07 00:26:29来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 近日,《封印者(Closers)》推出了一套“忍者主题”的新时装。这套时装的最大亮点就是,装备后会改变角色的样貌,包括发型和脸部特征。 从公布的设计图上可以看出,“忍者主题”时装并非只有一个样式,每一名角色装备后都有很大差别。 《封印者》国服由世纪天成代理运营,目前处...

Sina game - recently, the seal (Closers) launched a new fashion "ninja theme". The highlight of the fashion is, after the equipment will change the character's appearance, including hair and facial features. As you can see from the drawings released, "ninja theme" fashion is not only a style, each role after the equipment have very big difference. "Seal" the clothes, run by the century tiancheng agent now...