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初春农忙好时节 《抗战》战士田间劳作不亦乐乎

Early spring every good time "resistance" warrior fields

2018-02-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年狗年春节已经远处,新一年的不发越来越快,初春时节正式农忙好季节,中国第一抗日网游《抗战》的战士们在初春之际,忙于耕种、采集,在田间劳作不亦乐乎,为日后抗击日寇准备物资。 中国第一抗日网游 随我杀敌去 粒粒皆幸苦 珍惜粮食 耕种是人类直接利用土地获取各种作物产品的活动,在《抗战2》游戏中也还原了这一文明现象。在抗战时期,辛勤的农民伯伯耕种劳作,在一定程度上也解决了革命战士的后勤补给。全民齐心抗日,农民伯伯在缺吃少穿的情况下,依旧能够奉献自己辛勤耕种的农作物,为抗日大业尽一份自己的力量,可歌可敬。 为了向千千万万的农民伯伯致敬,《抗战2》加入了耕种玩法,让玩家也能体会到农...

In 2018, the year of the dog during the Spring Festival is the distance, a new faster and faster, not hair of the early spring season good season officially, China's first anti-japanese online game "resistance" the soldiers in the early spring, busy farming, acquisition, working in the field, to fight against the Japanese aggressors in the future to prepare materials. China's first anti-japanese online game with me kill to each grain all fortunately, cherish grain farming is a human activity, the direct use of land for different crops products in the Anti-Japanese War 2 games also restore the phenomenon of civilization. Hard in Anti-Japanese War period, the farmer uncle farming work, to a certain extent, also solved the revolutionary fighters in supply. Pulling the anti-japanese national, farmers uncle in situations where are short of food and clothes, can still offer their hard farming of crops, to the anti-japanese cause do an own strength, larger. In order to salute to hundreds of millions of farmers uncle, "2" of the war of resistance against Japan joined the farming game, let players can experience the agriculture...