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外媒报道魔兽玩家破千万 遭暴雪方否认

Foreign media coverage of warcraft players break must have been blizzard is denied

2016-10-08 00:46:42来源: 多玩游戏

Reddit上有人贴出了一张魔兽世界设计总监Tom Chilton接受波兰游戏媒体采访的图。 大意为: 目前大约有1010万付费用户(2016年9月)。 创建了超过1亿个魔兽世界账号。 而暴雪则在给GamesBeat的一份声明中,表示这个采访有一些错误的引用。 一位暴雪...

Reddit someone posted a world of warcraft design director Tom Chilton figure of polish game media interview. Meaning: at present there are about 10.1 million subscribers (September 2016). To create more than 100 million world of warcraft account. While blizzard to GamesBeat a statement, said the interview there is a mistake in the reference. A blizzard...

标签: 玩家 暴雪