新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传奇永恒封测客户端下载8月3日开启


Legend of the eternal beta client download August 3, open Sina

2015-08-03 18:35:01来源: 新浪

在刚刚过去的2015Chinajoy上,《传奇永恒》现场召开了盛大的媒体品鉴会,宣布将于8月6日进行正式封测。今日(8月3日),《传奇永恒》正式封测客户端下载全面开启,各位新老玩家们可以提前下载客户端,以便在3天后的封测中能够第一时间体验这款次世代大作为大家带来的种种惊喜。 【8月6...

in just the past 2015Chinajoy, the eternal legend "site held a grand media tasting, announced on August 6th were officially closed beta. Today (August 3), the eternal legend "formal beta client download fully open, every old and new players can ahead of time to download the client, in order to in 3 days after the IC packaging and testing to the first time experience this next generation of large as we bring surprises. [August 6...