新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗黑3成功挤进游戏销量排行榜第十 3000万份

暗黑3成功挤进游戏销量排行榜第十 3000万份

Diablo 3 success piled into game sales ranking list of the 10 to 30 million

2015-08-12 17:37:36来源: 游久网

上半年暗黑破坏神3成功登陆中国大陆后销量直线上升,在动视暴雪第二财报中,我们发现暗黑破坏神3的全球销量也已经突破3000万大关,虽然包含了原版游戏,资料片夺魂之镰,主机版,与主机版夺魂之镰,但是这也数量也让很多游戏叹为观止!这也让暗黑破坏神3成功挤进电子游戏销量排行榜TOP10! 维...

Diablo in the first half of the year Diablo 3 successful landing in mainland China after sales rise in a straight line, Activision Blizzard the second earnings, we found that Diablo 3's global sales volume has exceeded 30 million mark, although contains the original game, information capture the soul of the sickle, version of the host, and host version of capture the soul of the sickle, but it also to the many amazing game! This also let Diablo Diablo 3 successfully squeeze into the video game sales charts TOP10! Dimension.

标签: 游戏