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SLi八强决战洛杉矶 TI6前最后大练兵

SLi last decisive battle Los Angeles TI6 last big training

2016-07-19 11:32:26来源: 游久网

由ImbaTV联合Starladder举办的SL i-League群星联赛第二赛季DOTA2线下决赛将于当地时间7月21-24日在美国洛杉矶举行,届时将有8支从全世界各地选拔而出的战队参赛,共同争夺30万美元的高额奖金。 本届SL i-League为了所有战队能够为观众奉献出最精彩的D...

Held by the joint Starladder ImbaTV SL I - economic League stars DOTA2 offline finals will be the second season in the local time in Los Angeles on July 21-24, there will be eight from all over the world to select the team competition, common for the $300000 in bonuses. The SL I - economic to all team can offer the audience the best D...