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The construction of network morality: no one can be less informed and willing

2019-11-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

培养、锤炼青少年的网络空间道德意志,不能单靠青少年的自发性,还要给青少年更多选择的自由。良好的意志品质需要在日常生活细节中培养,没有体验和实践,没有见多识广,面对网络空间的负面诱惑时就会缺乏防御能力。 近日,中共中央、国务院颁布了《新时代公民道德建设实施纲要》。其中,关于“抓好网络空间道德建设”这一部分,主要提出了加强网络内容建设、培养文明自律网络行为、丰富网上道德实践、营造良好网络道德环境四方面的内容,引起全社会的广泛关注。 加强网络空间道德建设迫在眉睫 中华传统美德源远流长,从黄香温席到程门立雪,从尊老爱幼到诚实守信,从吾日三省吾身的自我反思,到先天下之忧而忧的爱国情怀,都是良好道...

The network space for cultivating and tempering teenagers is not only the spontaneity of teenagers, but also the freedom of choice for teenagers. Good will quality needs to be cultivated in the details of daily life, without experience and practice, without insight, when facing the negative temptation of cyberspace, there will be a lack of defense ability Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council promulgated the outline for the implementation of moral construction of citizens in the new era. Among them, on the part of "do a good job in the moral construction of cyberspace", it mainly puts forward four aspects: strengthening the construction of network content, cultivating civilized and self-discipline network behavior, enriching the moral practice on the Internet, and creating a good network moral environment, which has aroused widespread concern of the whole society It is urgent to strengthen the moral construction of cyberspace. The Chinese traditional virtues have a long history, from Huang Xiangwen Xi to Cheng menlixue, from respecting the old and loving the young to being honest and trustworthy, from our self reflection of three times of daily self reflection, to the patriotic feeling of worrying about the world first