新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《异度神剑》系列开发商员工平均年龄37岁 男女比例3比1

《异度神剑》系列开发商员工平均年龄37岁 男女比例3比1

The thin excalibur "series developers employees the average age of 37 ratio is 3 to 1

2018-12-25 16:31:21来源: 游戏时光

《异度神剑2》开发商 Monolithsoft 近日公布了一组数据,其中包含了公司的人员组成等内容。数据显示,11月末的时候 Monolithsoft 总员工数达到了184名,今年7月以来增长了13人。184名雇员中,男女员工分别占76.6%(141人)和23.4%(43人);员工的平均年龄为37.01岁;员工平均在职时间为8年3个月;2018年新入职的员工中,男女比例分别为71.4%和28.6%。今年10月,Monolithsoft 的第一项目组,即高桥哲哉所带领的团队发布了招聘信息,其中透露他们将开发新的 RPG 作品。同时高桥哲哉表示目前开发团队人手不足,所以急需程序...

The thin excalibur 2 developers & have spent Monolithsoft recently announced a set of data, which includes the company's personnel, etc. When, according to data from the end of November & have spent Monolithsoft total number of employees has reached 184, increased by 13 people since July this year. 184 employees, the men and women, respectively accounted for 76.6% (141 people) and 23.4% (43); Employees' average age was 37.01 years; Staff working time is 8 years an average of three months; New employees in 2018, a ratio of 71.4% and 28.6% respectively. The first team in October this year, Monolithsoft, takahashi zhe zai team led by release the recruitment information, which revealed that they will develop new RPG. At the same time takahashi zhe zai said the development team is understaffed, so urgently need program...