新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恭贺新年!PS4日服《闪乱神乐》飞鸟限时免费主题上线


A happy New Year! PS4 day "disorderly god of the flash music" birds limited-time free theme

2018-12-28 12:49:23来源: 游戏时光

PlayStation 日服商店近日上架了以《闪乱神乐》系列主角飞鸟为主背景的 PS4 贺年主题,该主题目前处于免费领取阶段,在1月7日之后将收费(324日元),有兴趣的朋友不要错过,地址请点击【主题】。

PlayStation, clothing store recently built by birds "disorderly god of the flash music" series protagonist PS4 zh zh topic background, the theme is free to receive stage, after January 7 will charge (324 yen), interested friends, don't miss the address, please click on the "subject".

标签: PS PS4