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中州争霸赛战火再燃 谁是《问道》第一帮?

Zhongzhou champions fighting again "Asked the first help is who?

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

百万在线,网游巨作《问道》中州争霸赛已经开打,一场场激烈的城池掠夺战即将呈现。策略三招带你玩转竞技,为战事再添火热。百万道友齐聚中州大陆,谁将王者加冕、赢得最终胜利,成为《问道》第一帮?让我们拭目以待! 《问道》中州争霸赛火爆开打,玩家以帮派为单位组队,前往活动使者处参与热血争霸赛。届时,上百区组限时互通,千万精英汇聚一堂进行同台竞技,帮派在一定的时间内向目标城池发起进攻,与全服其他帮派进行比拼,夺取百座城池的控制权,一场前所未有的巅峰对决一触即发! 争霸赛期间,玩家可通过相互攻城、守城赢得积分,所有的战斗都将通过积分统计进行最终归属权判定。若有建筑区域中有守城玩家,根据积分判断,积...

Millions of online, online gaming masterpiece "asked" zhongzhou champions already open, chalking up fierce city spoils is presented. Three recruit take you to play the competitive strategy, to put hot war. Millions of mainland friends gathered in zhongzhou, who will be king crowned, win the final victory, became the first to help? "asked" Let's wait and see! "Asked" zhongzhou champions open hot, world-ranked players in gang, angel to activities involved in blood champions. At that time, hundreds of block time, thousands of elite gathered to compete, gangs attacking targets within a certain amount of time the city, and all other gangs to compete; took control of the one hundred city, an unprecedented threat of match-ups! During the race, the player can win points through mutual siege, guarding city, all the fighting will eventually ownership through the integral statistics. If there are guarding city players in the area construction, according to the integral judgment, product...