新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNA折纸术绘制出全球最小《蒙娜丽莎》画作


DNA origami to map the global minimum, the Mona Lisa painting

2017-12-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

外媒12月7日报道,美国科学家们用DNA折纸术创造了达·芬奇著名画作《 蒙娜丽莎》的世界最小复制版本。 加州理工学院的研究人员通过DNA折纸术可以自组装成大型可完全自定义的阵列,从而创造出可显示任何图像的“画布”。DNA虽是以生物遗传信息编码而闻名的,但它同时也是一个优秀的化学构建模块。单链DNA分子是名为核苷酸(缩写为A, T, C and G)的较小分子排列成的一个字符串或序列。 这幅世界上最小的《蒙娜丽莎》却是全球迄今最大的DNA折纸结构。单链DNA分子中的核苷酸可以与另一条单链中的核苷酸结合形成双链DNA,但这些核苷酸只能以非常特定的方式结合:一个带有T的A核苷酸或一个带有G...

December 7, foreign media reports, American scientists use DNA origami created Da Vinci's famous painting "Mona Lisa" the world smallest copy version. At the California institute of technology researchers through DNA origami can self-assemble into large can fully customizable array, thus creating can display any image of "canvas". Although DNA is famous for its biological genetic information coding, but it's also a good chemical building blocks. Single-stranded DNA molecules are called nucleotides (abbreviated as A, T, C and G) of smaller molecules arranged in A string or sequence. The world's smallest "Mona Lisa" is a global biggest DNA origami structure. Single nucleotide of the DNA molecules can combine with the other in A single nucleotide form double-stranded DNA, but these nucleotides can only in A very specific way: with A T A nucleotide or with A G...