新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天舟文化上半年营收3.63亿 移动网游营收2.34亿

天舟文化上半年营收3.63亿 移动网游营收2.34亿

Day boat culture revenue during the first half of 363 million mobile gaming revenue in 234 million

2017-08-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

天舟文化发布2017年上半年财报。财报显示,天舟文化2017年上半年营业收入3.63亿元,同比增长51.75%;其中,移动网络游戏营业收入2.34亿元。 报告期内,天舟文化移动网络游戏营业收入2.34亿元,较上年同期增长 149.03%,主要系合并范围较上年同期增加,合并新增游爱网络的营业收入所致;营业成本较上年同期增长 662.77%,主要系合并范围较上年同期增加,新增游爱网络的营业成本,现有游戏业务渠道成本增加,导致移动网络游戏的营业成本较上年同期增加所致。 天舟文化在财报中表示,截至报告期末,公司运营游戏产品共 31 款;报告期内新增...

Day boat culture released the first half of 2017. Results showed that day boat culture in the first half of 2017 operating income of 363 million yuan, up 51.75% from a year earlier. Among them, the mobile network game business income is 234 million yuan. & have spent & have spent During the reporting period, day boat culture mobile network game business income is 234 million yuan, up 149.03% from a year earlier, the main system combined range increased from a year earlier, merge new swim love network operating income; Operating cost up 662.77% from a year earlier, the main system merge range increased from a year earlier, new love network operating cost, existing games business channel costs, lead to the mobile network game operating cost increased from a year earlier. Day boat culture in earnings, said by the reporting period, the company operating the game products, a total of 31 style; During the reporting period new...

标签: 网游