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点燃三国战火 《小小空城计》今日全平台上线

Lighting of The Three Kingdoms war "small empty" full platform online today

2017-06-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

作为一款策略类三国题材游戏,《小小空城计》在玩家们期待已久的等待中,将于今日(6月9日)正式全平台上线。游戏呆萌的画面,烧脑的玩法,百变的英雄与符文搭配,让游戏在趣味上拥有着无尽的探索。这个六月,跟随《小小空城计》一起重回三国的硝烟战场,在手机上来场真正的智谋三国吧。 【有谋略 出其不意而致胜】 出其不意,攻击不备,战场上的智谋之士会根据战场上瞬息万变的情况,来判断每次出兵与技能的施放。就像两位棋艺大师间的较量,往往在战斗时,已经算出了之后十几步棋数的变化。《小小空城计》更是如此,敌人的每次出兵,所带英雄技能,都在脑海中如沙盘般模拟,时而诱敌深入,时而一击攻敌。变化莫测的思路打乱敌人...

As a strategy class three subjects game, the small empty city stratagem in the long-awaited waiting for players, will today (June 9) formally whole platform online. Game lovely picture, burn game of the brain, ever-changing heroes and rune is tie-in, make the game with endless exploration on the fun. This June, follow the small empty back to three kingdoms together the smoke of the battlefield, in mobile phone up real ingenuity in The Three Kingdoms. And winning 】 【 counsel is surprise surprise, attack unprepared, battlefield resourcefulness of may according to the rapidly changing situation on the battlefield, to judge the invasion and the skills of cast at a time. Like battle between two chess masters, often in a fight, has worked out the dozen positions after several changes. The small empty city stratagem, the enemy troops at a time, with the hero skills, are all in the mind like sand table simulation, and sometimes the front, and sometimes a blow against the enemy. The vagaries of train of thought to disrupt the enemy...