新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绝了!玩《欢乐狼人杀》竟患上了“重度依赖癌”


Great! Playing "happy werewolf killing" has suffered from "heavy dependence on cancer""

2017-05-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《欢乐狼人杀》这款社交游戏仿佛一夜之间就火了起来,现在小编身边的同事朋友说话都是介种风格滴: 当惯了预言家的同事说话经常跑偏,看谁都像狼“一定是你拿了我桌子上的签字笔,办公室一直就咱们两个人,你说什么也没用,你在我这就是一匹狼。”玩惯了村民的朋友微信聊天也是让人啼笑皆非,经常语音发一段特别长的话,最后奇葩的加上一句“过了”。更有魔怔的朋友唱歌也是《欢乐狼人杀》版《演员》: 如果你也像他们一样总是无意识的蹦出狼人杀黑话,如果你也经常在和朋友聊天时总想找TA说话的逻辑漏洞,如果你也每天玩《欢乐狼人杀》嗨到三更半夜,那么恭喜你,你已经成为“《欢乐狼人杀》重度依赖症患者”大家族中的一员了。 ...

"Joy" between the werewolf social games as if overnight fire up, Xiao Bian now colleagues and friends are talking mediated style: when used to the prophet's colleagues often speak a deviation, see who is like a wolf "you took a pen on my desk, the office has been the two of us, what you say are useless, you in me this is a wolf." Used to play the friend WeChat chat is also ironic speech, often send a special long, wonderful finally added "too". Mozheng more friends singing is "happy" werewolf version of "the actor": if you like them always unconscious Bengchu werewolf. If you have logical loopholes often chat with friends always want to find TA talk, if you play "happy every day" to kill a werewolf hi in the dead of night. Congratulations, you have become "joy" werewolf "dependent patients with severe one in the big family. ...