新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首度亮相京交会,网竞科技将电竞推向主流化


Debut SEC, net competitive technology will e-sports into the mainstream

2017-05-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年5月28日,一年一度的北京国际服务贸易交易会将在国家会议中心举行,93个国家和地区确认将举办展览或专题活动。值得一提的是,本次京交会数字娱乐板块将出现电竞的身影,包括中国泛电竞生态展、ESCC中国电竞场馆联赛和电竞商业模式峰会。 五年来,电竞将首次亮相这项世界性贸易交易会。 对关注电竞的人来说,此事到来可谓水到渠成。无论是LOL全球活跃玩家超过1亿人,还是TI6总奖金超过2000万美元,都证明电竞早已成长为巨擘。而此事背后的操盘手网竞科技,已完成电竞全产业链布局。京交会纳入电竞,既表现了自己与时俱进、紧跟潮流,也是网竞科技新一轮布局的开端。 电竞已非吴下阿蒙 京交会始于...

On May 28, 2017, the annual Beijing international service trade fair will be held at the national conference center, exhibition games will be held in 93 countries and regions confirmed or thematic activities. SEC is worth mentioning that the Beijing digital entertainment sector will appear the figure of e-sports, including China e-sports ecological exhibition, generic ESCC e-sports venues league and China e-sports business summit. For the past five years, e-sports will debut at the world trade fair. Of e-sports, attention to follow the arrival. LOL active players more than 100 million people around the world, or TI6 total of more than $20 million, prove e-sports has grow into a giant. And this matter the manipulator behind the net technology, has completed e-sports industry chain layout. E-sports, Beijing intersection into both its advancing with The Times, follow the trend, the beginning of a new network competitive technology layout. E-sports has not under the wu meng jing SEC started in...

标签: 电竞