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《索尼克:力量》第四季度上线 曝出全新游戏截图

"Sonic: power" launched in the fourth quarter to expose new screenshots

2017-04-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《索尼克:力量 Sonic Force》(此前名为《索尼克计划2017 Project Sonic 2017》)在SXSW期间由世家正式公布,索尼克团队的Takashi Iizuka将该作描述为“索尼克在颜色和世代上的进化”。 近日游戏官方曝光了更多有趣的截图。 此外,当《索尼克:力量》正式公开时,宣布了游戏将有三种独特的游戏类型,包括现代和古典风格。在游戏的过程中,“索尼克可以跳到一个平台上,然后视角转向侧面透视,成为了现代画风的横版卷轴跳跃游戏。 《索尼克:力量》将于2017年第四季度登陆任天堂Switch,PlayStation 4,Xbox One和PC。

The Sonic: strength Sonic Force "(formerly called" Sonic plan 2017 Project Sonic 2017) by family officially announced during SXSW, Sonic team Takashi Iizuka will be described as the "Sonic on the color and the generation of evolution". Games official revealed more interesting screenshots recently. In addition, when the sonic: strength officially open, announced that the game will have three unique types, including modern and classical style. In the process of the game, "sonic can jump to a platform, and then to the side perspective, became a horizontal version of modern painting scroll jumping game. The sonic: strength will be landing in the fourth quarter of 2017 the nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.