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王妃请上榻 《不败传说》4.15浪漫内测

Princess on the couch, please the unbeaten myth 4.15 romantic inside

2017-04-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月15日,第三代国战网游《不败传说》将开启浪漫内测,新服【蝶恋花】唯美来袭。国家间关系将加入联姻模式,对抗更加激烈。同时,抢亲玩法让浪漫的婚恋再添趣味,炫酷亮丽的热气球坐骑正式上线,机会面前人人平等,更有百万福利等你来拿! 开服时间:4月15日13时 开服区服:【蝶恋花】 【联姻和亲 情色权谋任你玩】 在国家间对抗中,合纵连横、结盟、中立、对抗等关系让玩家玩的津津有味,为了增加策略性与趣味性,《不败传说》将在此次浪漫内测中开放政治联姻,允许帝王贵族间通婚。本国皇子赢取盟国公主,强强联合,共结秦晋 之好。弱国迫于强国的威慑,也可选择“和亲”,将本国公主远委身他人,换取...

& have spent On April 15, the third generation frequents online game "unbeaten legend" will open romantic private, new aesthetic recent 】 【 incoming. Relations between countries will join the marriage mode, against the more intense. At the same time, rob close game for romantic dating added fun, cool and bright balloon ride is launched, everyone is equal before the opportunity, waiting for you to take more millions of welfare! Open service time: 15 April 13 when open area under: 【 recent 】 【 marriage and erotic machiavellian term you play 】 in the confrontation between countries, the nation, alliance, neutral, for players to play against such relations with relish, in order to increase the strategic and interesting, "unbeaten legend" will open in the romantic private political marriage, allow the intermarriage between imperial aristocracy. Their prince princess win Allies, combination, eutectic Qin Jin of good. Weak under the power of deterrence, also can choose "and", their princess is committed to others, in return for...