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《火焰之纹章:英雄》开放预注册 历代人气角色齐聚一堂

The crest of the flame: hero "open pre-registration All previous dynasties gathered popularity role

2017-01-25 10:36:42来源: 任玩堂

在上周曝光的任天堂《火焰之纹章》系列手游,Fire Emblem: Heroes《火焰之纹章:英雄》即将在下周上线安卓版,近日已经在 Google Play 页面开放了预注册。《火焰之纹章:英雄》是《火焰之纹章》系列的首款手游,将经典的策略战棋 RPG 玩法移植到了手机平台中,玩家可以在游戏中将该系列的历代人气角色收入麾下,组建军团展开冒险。除了故事模式之外,游戏中还有可以反复挑战获取奖励的收益性章节、试练塔、说服英雄加入的英雄外传、可以和其他玩家展开决斗的竞技场等玩法。值得注意的是,在目前官方公布的首发名单中,除了日本处于东南亚地区以外,其余均为欧美国家,包括中国大陆在内的亚洲地区国家均不能...

In last week's nintendo exposure series mobile game the crest of the flame, the Fire Emblem: Heroes "crest of Fire: hero" next week launched the android version, recently has been in the Google Play page open the pre-registration. The crest of the flame: hero "is" the crest of the flame "series of the first mobile game, the strategy of classic war chess RPG game onto the mobile platform, can be players in the game of this series of past dynasties popular role by forming a bianconeri adventure. In addition to the story mode, profitability of the game and can be repeated challenges get a reward section, try to practice tower, persuade hero to join hero gaiden, can a duel arena and play with the other players. It is important to note that in the official starting list, in addition to Japan in southeast Asia, the rest are European and American countries, countries in Asia, including mainland China, can't...