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Roberts joining animation film the Smurfs

2017-01-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据美国人物杂志报道,索尼影业动画片《蓝精灵:失落的村庄》迎来一位重磅大咖——奥斯卡影后朱莉娅·罗伯茨将为影片献声。她扮演的角色名叫“蓝柳依”(暂译,smurf willow),是这部电影中新加入的原创角色,被视作蓝精灵中的“智商担当”。 在新曝光的剧照中,smurf willow与蓝爸爸一同出镜,她拥有一头白发似乎年纪不小了,手中疑似握着用柳条做成的拐杖?官方称,这个角色相当聪明睿智,此番将由茱莉亚·罗伯茨担纲配音。 罗伯茨表示,在自己小时候蓝精灵就非常出名了,如今能够成为其中一员感觉非常有意思。导演凯利·阿斯博瑞则对能与罗伯茨共事而感到兴奋。(可 欣)

According to the American people magazine reports, SONY pictures animation villages smurf: lost in a big big cafe, oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts will voice for the film. She plays the role of the name "blue willow in accordance with the" (n, smurf willow), is new to join the original role of the movie, was seen as the Smurfs "IQ". In the new exposure of stills, smurf willow with blue dad, she has a head of white hair seemed to age, holding the hands of suspected made of wicker crutch? Officials said, this role is quite intelligent, this time will be starring Julia Roberts. Roberts said that the Smurfs is very famous in his own childhood, can now be a part of feeling is very interesting. Director kelly, borui was thrilled to be working with Roberts. (hin)

标签: 电影