新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《斗仙》新服世界BOSS活动即将开启


"Fight the fairy" new BOSS will open the world

2016-10-26 09:16:04来源: 新浪

在即将到来的《斗仙》全新资料片“圣婴传说”的更新中,除开游戏内全新的玩法系统之外,《斗仙》还为大家准备了六大新版本活动,不仅趣味十足,奖励更是多的让你拿到手软!今天,小编就来给大家介绍一下其中“进击的BOSS”活动的内容。 全民迎战世界BOSS 月黑风高夜,杀人放火天。在本次资料...

In the upcoming "fight the fairy" new legend "el nino" in the update of the expansion, except addition to new gameplay system in the game, "dou fairy" also six new version for you, is not only fun, reward is more let you get soft! Today, the small make up to introduce you to the "advance" BOSS "activity. Face the world universal BOSS dark night, burning and killing. In this information...