新关注 > 信息聚合 > 综述:S6中国队全军覆没 任天堂发布新主机

综述:S6中国队全军覆没 任天堂发布新主机

Review: S6 China completely annihilated Nintendo released the new host

2016-10-23 05:56:14来源: 17173

综述1:《英雄联盟》S6中国队全军覆没 在本周举行的《LOL》S6八强赛中,中国EDG俱乐部虽然奋力拼杀,但仍不敌韩国俱乐部ROX,无缘四强,至此三支中国俱乐部全军覆没。有评论认为,战队商业化、队员成为明星、对金钱的崇拜等等都是让中国战队持续下坡的原因。你怎么看待中国队这次失利呢? ...

Review 1: "hero alliance" S6 China completely annihilated At this week's "LOL" S6 last eight, although Chinese EDG club making, ROX, but still lost to South Korea club for the last four, thus three Chinese club in lordaeron. Critics believe that commercialization team, the players become a star, the worship of money, and so on are the reasons why let China team continuous downhill. What do you think the Chinese team lost this time? ...

标签: 任天堂