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云端上的战斗民族 《古羌传奇PK版》新手村曝光

The exposure of the fighting nation on the cloud, the new village of the PK edition of the ancient Qiang legend

2016-09-30 20:08:56来源: 游久网

云端上的战斗民族《古羌传奇PK版》新手村曝光 石纽村,是《古羌传奇PK版》的战斗发源地,也是游戏中耗费时间精力最多的场景之一。今天就为大家带来石纽村的真实截图。这里虽然只是大家的暂留之地,但研发团队所倾注的心血、带来的亦真亦幻的画面,只为让大家更好的感受《古羌传奇PK版》独特的魅力所在...

The battle group on the cloud, the ancient Qiang Qiang legend PK edition, is also the birthplace of the ancient Qiang Qiang legend PK edition. It is also one of the most time-consuming scenes in the game. Today we will bring the true screenshot of the village of New York. Here it's all the persistence, but the R & D team effort into the pose, Yizhenyihuan picture, only let everyone feel better "the ancient Qiang legend PK edition" unique charm...