新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爆发了上百场海湾战争 装甲风暴内测大数据揭秘

爆发了上百场海湾战争 装甲风暴内测大数据揭秘

Hundreds of field in the gulf war broke out armor storm closed big data reveal

2016-09-29 00:22:30来源: 新浪

空中网首推空地竞技网游《装甲风暴》“荣耀测试”已于27日24:00关服,一场持续14天的战争终于胜利结束。下面,我们就通过几组简单的数据,来回顾一下这场战争的硝烟与荣耀。 3万玩家共同的现代战场 截止9月27日共有3万多名玩家加入《装甲风暴》荣耀内测,这3万玩家共同构建了荣耀测试风...

Air net first clearing competitive games glory "test" the armored storm was 27 24:00 shut, a constant war finally victory over 14 days. Below, we through several groups of simple data, to review the smoke and the glory of the war. Modern battlefield 30000 players together As of September 27, more than 30000 players to join the glory the armour storm closed, this 30000 players to test and build the glory the wind...

标签: 大数据