新关注 > 信息聚合 > 惊喜不断!CinaJoy2016看AMD如何打造游戏生态圈


Constant surprise! CinaJoy2016 to see how to build AMD game ecosystem

2016-07-28 09:51:07来源: 中关村在线

7月的上海对玩家来说,只有一件值得欢呼雀跃的盛事,那就是ChinaJoy将再次在上海新国际博览中心开幕。每年的ChinaJoy展会AMD都会全力参与并给广大玩家带来备受瞩目的产品,下面让我们展望一下今年的ChinaJoy,AMD又会给游戏生态圈的各个相关领域带来什么新的启示呢? AM...

Shanghai in July to the player, only one thing worth cheering event that ChinaJoy will once again at the Shanghai New International Expo Center opening. The annual ChinaJoy AMD will fully participate in and give the majority of players to bring high-profile products, let us look at this year's ChinaJoy, AMD will bring new inspiration to the ecological circle of the game all the relevant fields of? AM...

标签: 游戏