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Powerful and unconstrained style classic legend "liuzhou" of the open beta today

2016-07-06 11:53:30来源: 07073游戏网

群雄汇聚,盛况空前,经典传奇页游37《龙城》今日风云公测!唯美浓郁的中国风场景,三足鼎立的战法道职业,酷炫劲爽的打击效果,加之数以万计的怪物大军,37《龙城》引爆夏日新热潮!在这片金戈铁马的血色沙场上,谁能结束人类的颠沛流离,谁能创造龙卫后裔的传奇盛世,快来轰轰烈烈干一场吧! 游戏首...

Pack together, bustling, classic epic swim page 37 "liuzhou" of the open beta today! Only beautiful rich Chinese wind scenario, the methods of the three pillars of profession, cool strength great effect, and tens of thousands of army of monsters, 37 "liuzhou" tipping summer new boom! The horses in the bloody battlefield, who can end the human drift from place to place, who can create Long Wei descendants of the legendary prosperous time, come and dry with a bang! The first game...