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脑洞大开的人设 国外游戏画师精彩概念原画欣赏

From the overseas game artist brain hole wide open to enjoy wonderful concept design

2016-07-03 11:29:21来源: 新浪

Giorgio Baroni是一名意大利画师,他曾经为许多电子游戏创作过概念原画,包括桌游和卡牌游戏。今天外媒分享了他个人的一些精彩作品。 下面是他的部分作品,我们看到有重型机甲,个性鲜明的人设。如果你喜欢他的作品,可以点击这里前往他的个人网站观看更多。

Giorgio Baroni is an Italian painter, he had worked for many video games created the concept of the original painting, including board games and card games. Today foreign media to share some of his personal highlights. Below are some of his works, we see juggernaught, distinctive characters. If you like his work, you can click here to visit his personal website to see more.

标签: 游戏